81. Careful Planning gets better results. It is aided most when:,0 I am willing to extend goals to any point in the future when needed.,1 As I work my plan - I remain flexible to change and modify it to reach the goals.,5 I don't allow credit to go to subordinates to prevent them from getting satisfied and not working so hard.,0 The plan has unrealistic goals so as to keep people working hard every day.,0 I check to see if the project ever got done.,0 82. Stress slows down progress towards reaching goals. I can cut stress by:,0 Worrying about all the things that might happen today so as to be ready for them.,0 Examine the worse thing that can happen and be ready.,1 Studying the Bible and other great teachings such as Zen - Budda - etc.,5 Reading books that make me laugh.,3 Wishing bad things away.,0 83. The most successful leaders get the best results when:,0 They try to keep their job a secret so others won't be able to replace them.,0 They take all the credit for good results and give none of it to others.,0 They really listen to employees - even their personal problems - and try to help.,5 They keep everyone really busy and don't poke their noses in other people's business.,0 They take care of all the detail work knowing that setting a good example is important.,1 84. A manager is showing the best leadership qualities when he or she:,0 Is aware of when their employees make mistakes.,1 Is acting like a real 'coach' assisting the people to grow and become all they can be.,5 Makes decisions whenever they are needed.,2 Is not aware of good work when it is done - thus encouraging people to work harder.,0 Only stands by his/her principles when it seems to be the popular thing to do.,0 85. Three traits that I look for in an EXCELLENT employee are:,0 Neat - pretty - attractive.,0 On time to work - neat - on time to leave work.,1 Understands some expectations of supervisor - friendly - slow to anger.,2 Dependable - Strives to improve performance - Shows team spirit.,5 Is punctual - carefull of how money is spent - clean.,1 86. I know the most important thing in delegating work to others is:,0 Do not ask for their input as they may say something that is impossible to do.,0 Let them begin the delegation with no outlines of limitations so they may achieve the maximum results.,0 Begin with small projects and unnecessary work to let them have some success first before the hard stuff.,0 Ask for input from the delegatee on possible ways to accomplish the results a better way.,5 Delegate fresh tasks to the people once a year.,0 87. The best motivational practice I can do for my people is:,0 To praise people in public and to also criticize them in public for maximum results.,0 During an argument - decide who is telling the truth and support them.,0 During an argument - decide on what's right and not who's right.,5 During an argument - let them fight it out and the let the strongest person win.,0 To praise people in private and criticize them in public for maximum results.,0 88. To keep my communications from being misunderstood - I can:,0 Explain things several different ways and then ask for feedback as to what I have explained.,5 Make the other person feel dumb - pointing out their mistakes in the past to make sure they listen.,0 Use written communications so I can prove I stated the objectives correctly if they 'mess up.',1 Use verbal communications so I can see the reaction in people's faces is they don't understand.,1 Keep my communications to a minimum - If they can figure things out for themselves - they grow.,0 89. 'Decision-making' results are enhanced to the maximum if:,0 All important decisions are handed over to committees.,0 I cover up any and all mistakes that I make to prevent loss of confidence in me as a leader.,0 I let others make all of the decisions for me - since that builds people.,0 I select the first solution to a problem that appears and implement it so as not to delay action.,1 Once a decision is made - I still seek fresh input - ideas - and feedback information.,5 90. When seeking fresh - new - and creative ideas - a great thing to do is:,0 Sit down and try to sketch out ideas and visual pictures to stimulate creative thinking.,5 Read joke books to get in a happy mind frame.,3 Be certain to remember all the things that didn't work before as fresh new ideas surface.,0 Let my mind wander during dull meetings to make that wasted time more productive.,0 Remember that I am no genius and most of the great ideas have already been discovered.,0 91. A great leader builds team spirit by:,0 Rewarding people when they discover a money saving plan worth over a month's gross revenues.,1 Seeing that all accomplishments large and small reflect on the whole team and everyone receives credit.,5 Having a team meeting at least once a week and serve refreshments.,1 Rewarding individual accomplishments which should make the team work harder.,1 Not rewarding the team for fear that may become the only thing that can motivate them.,0 92. To build my own attitudes and make them positive - I should:,0 Surround myself with similar - positive minded people.,5 Tell others that I want a compliment paid to me each time we meet.,0 Make a list of all the failures I have had to insure future actions will be successes.,0 Make sure I see the difficulty in every opportunity and not the opposite.,0 Walk briskly - breathe deep - and relax whenever possible.,2 93. To improve the process of managing time more effectively - I could:,0 Begin immediately on every project or job that comes accross my desk.,1 Clean off my desk at the end of each day so I have a good feeling each morning when I begin work.,1 Plan my work daily - weekly - and monthly on paper to have clear focus on what needs doing.,5 Never ask for help and take whatever time is needed to get jobs done by myself.,0 Pay no attention to things that waste my time or it would hurt my morale.,0 94. To 'empower' workers to achieve peak results - you must:,0 Let them make all of their own decisions.,0 Give them an understanding of their goals and authority to make most decisions.,5 Give them a raise in pay when they act with empowerment.,0 Make sure they understand that they will suffer the consequences if their decisions are bad.,0 Let them decide when and how their job is to be done and what the standards are to be achieved.,0 95. Empowered workers understand that:,0 They have a stake in the company and freedom to help the customers get more then expected.,5 They work in an atmosphere of total freedom to produce results for the company as they please.,0 They are free to set their own hours of work as well as days of the week - if they wish.,0 The company exists primarily to provide them a living and therefore will raise pay whenever voted upon by workers.,0 They now have the freedom to choose their work just as long as the company will see a profit from the department.,0 96. Empowerment generally is MOST effective when:,0 Managers give just a small amount of authority to each worker.,0 Workers understand the mission of the business and managers act as super coaches.,5 Managers hire only workers who have worked under empowered companies before.,0 Workers are given carefully outlined and detailed instructions on their job then freedom to work.,0 Leaders of the business are trained and have experienced in empowering the middle managers.,1 97. Many businesses have 'flattened' their structure to achieve more profits - which means:,0 They have eliminated any hierachial jobs that would make the workers at the bottom jealous.,0 There is only the president at the top of the company and workers at the bottom.,1 They have eliminated all the non-profitable divisions and kept only those that make a profit.,0 They have reduced scope and now concentrate on only one product line and do it well.,0 They have the leaders at the 'top' working directly with the 'workers' at the bottom.,5 98. The term 'un-heroic leadership' refers to:,0 Running a business where the leaders are all of medium quality and no 'heros'.,0 Giving the workers all the praise and criticism and the leaders are almost invisible.,2 The leaders are coaches who don't seem to be heros since they always give all the credit to the staff.,5 Making sure the management staff don't take the credit and don't want to be heros.,2 Letting the quiet and assuming leaders who are not heros get all the real credit.,0 99. ReEngineering the company can have negative results such as:,0 Causing the company to end up making a different product than they were doing before.,0 It may end up doing things so differently that most of the staff quits or is fired and the new company can not survive.,5 Making it necessary to look at all the old ways of doing things and tossing out many of them that don't work.,0 Ceasing to compete with the same products and ways of manufacturing that make it hard to be profitable.,0 Shaking up the management at the top of the company and making them unhappy.,0 100. Of ALL the ways to get peak performance and loyalty of workers - the best is:,0 Pay attention to all the good things people do and praise them in public at every opportunity.,1 Show each worker the value of his/her job and how it is important to the end result of the company.,1 Encourage each worker to assume a greater role in the company and responsiblity for success.,1 Communicate effectively and REALLY listen to workers all the time and assist at every chance.,1 ALL OF THE ABOVE.,5 ****** THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST ******,0 Thank you for completing it,0 and taking the time to do your best.,0 Your raw total score in on the bottom Left.,0 Your average score for all is on the right,0 ****** May successful Leadership be yours ****,0 END,0